There is much controversy concerning its timing. Instead of the great hope that Messiah intended it to be, there is great confusion and division. Some believe in a pretribulational rapture, while others believe that the rapture will occur in the middle of or after the tribulation. Then there are some who believe in a rapture that precedes the wrath of God (prewrath) and some who do not believe in a rapture at all. The purpose of this article is to encourage and comfort believers that our Lord Yeshua is coming back for us! The “us” includes Jewish believers and thus makes the rapture a prophetic event in Israel’s history too. We should praise the Lord, knowing that He loves us so much that He is willing to rapture us to be in heaven with Him
To read Dr. Hill's full article CLICK HERE
This article first appeared in Ariel Magazine, Summer 2022 / Volume 1 / #43, pp 08-12. It has been republished here with permission by the copyright owner: Ariel Ministries USA, 11926 Radium St, San Antonio, TX 78216, USA. © 2022 by Ariel Ministries USA. All rights reserved.