Chesed - A Theological Gem

No single English noun could do the Hebrew word "chesed" justice. A comparison of several English translations, from the earliest to the more modern, reveals how multilayered this Hebrew word is. In 1 Samuel 20:14-16, for example, chesed is variously translated “mercy” (Coverdale, Geneva, Bishops), “kindness” (KJV, NKJV, DBY, YLT, NIV), “lovingkindness” (ASV, NASB), “steadfast love” (ESV), “faithful love” (NLT), and “loyalty” (NET). The RSV committee generally favored “steadfast love.” Wherever Bible students excavate in the Old Testament, sooner or later their exegetical trowel will strike "chesed," which appears 248 times. Half of these occurrences are in the book of Psalms alone. This theological gem sparkles to the glory of God, for its true meaning can only be found by digging deep into the rich seam of God’s covenant relationship with Israel.
Based on: Paul R. Wilkinson, "Israel – The Inheritance of God" (San Antonio, TX: Ariel Ministries, 2021), p. 95.
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