Collection: MBS - BBS - OT - Psalms
Messianic Bible Studies
Collapsible content
Antichrist, The
- MBS004 The Campaign of Armageddon
- MBS010 The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
- MBS023 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12
- MBS042 The 75-Day Interval
- MBS045 After the Kingdom
Atonement, The
Church, The
- MBS097 The Universal Church
- MBS106 The Local Church
- MBS108 The Lord’s Supper
- MBS109 The Ordinance of Baptism
- MBS112 The Biblical Principles of Giving
Communion or The Lord’s Supper
- MBS091 The Biblical View of Death
- MBS104 The Intermediate State Between Death and Resurrection
- MBS107 The Place of the Dead
Dispensations, The
Feasts of Israel, The
- MBS062 The Feasts of Israel
- MBS114 The Feast of Pesach (Passover)
- MBS115 The Feast of Hag Hamatzot (Unleavened Bread)
- MBS116 The Feast of Hag Habikkurim (First Fruits)
- MBS117 The Feast of Shavuot (Weeks/Pentecost)
- MBS118 The Feast of Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets)
- MBS119 Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement)
- MBS120 The Feast of Succoth (Tabernacles)
- MBS122 The Feast of Channukah (Lights/Dedication)
- MBS177 The Feast of Purim (Lots/Esther)
- MBS178 The New Moon Festival
Great Tribulation, The
- MBS002 The Jews and the Tribulation
- MBS003 The Basis of the Second Coming of the Messiah
- MBS004 The Campaign of Armageddon
- MBS010 The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
- MBS023 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12
- MBS038 The Sequence of Pretribulational Events
Jewish Evangelism
- MBS003 The Basis of the Second Coming of the Messiah
- MBS007 Jews, Gentiles, and Christians
- MBS011 The Suffering Messiah of Isaiah 53
- MBS012 The Messiah of the Old Testament
- MBS013 What the New Testament Says About Jesus
- MBS014 Why did the Messiah have to Die?
- MBS016 Nicodemus, A Rabbi’s Quest
- MBS026 Zionism: What It Is and What It Is Not
- MBS087 The Book of Romans and the Jews
Jewish Studies, General
- MBS087 The Book of Romans and the Jews
- MBS113 The Jewish Wedding System and the Bride of the Messiah
- MBS176 The Sabbath
- MBS179 The Church and the Jews
Judgment, The Great White Throne
Judgment Seat of the Messiah, The
Life Of The Messiah, The:
(see the next drop down menu)
Lord’s Supper, The (see Communion)
Messianic Kingdom, The
- MBS017 The Messianic Kingdom
- MBS018 Israel in the Messianic Kingdom
- MBS182 The Eight Mysteries of the New Testament
Parables - MBS028 The Olivet Discourse
- MBS040 The Parables of the Kingdom
- MBS182 The Eight Mysteries of the New Testament
Positional Truth
- MBS144 The Principles of Prayer
- MBS145 The Three Types of Prayer
- MBS146 Prayer in Old Testament History
- MBS147 Prayer in New Testament History
- MBS148 The Conditions of Prayer
- MBS149 The Components and
Content of Prayer
Prophecy (Prophecy and the Jew)
- MBS001 The Six Abodes of Satan
- MBS002 The Jews and the Tribulation
- MBS003 The Basis of the Second Coming of the Messiah
- MBS004 The Campaign of Armageddon
- MBS005 How to Destroy the Jews
- MBS038 The Sequence of Pretribulational Events
- MBS008 The Arab States in Prophecy
- MBS010 The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
- MBS018 Israel in the Messianic Kingdom
- MBS039 The Rapture of the Church
- MBS189 The Modern State of Israel in Bible Prophecy
- MBS017 The Messianic Kingdom
- MBS046 The Eternal Order
Rapture, The
Sabbath, The
Sin (see Hamartiology, the Doctrine of Sin)
Spiritual Life, The
- MBS110 Thirty-Three Things: A Study of Positional Truth
- MBS136 What Is the Spiritual Life? A Definition
- MBS137 The Spiritual Life and the Believer’s Rule of Life
- MBS138 The Spiritual Life and the Holy Spirit
- MBS139 The Spiritual Life and Fellowship
- MBS140 The Spiritual Life and Discipleship
- MBS141 The Spiritual Life and Ethics
- MBS142 The Spiritual Life and Divine Guidance
- MBS143 The Spiritual Life and Spiritual Warfare
Tabernacle, The
Temple, The
Tribulation, The (see Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Last Days)
Unpardonable Sin, The
Life of Messiah, The
Introductory Material
- MBS020 How Did the Wise Men Know? or Is Astrology Valid
- MBS099 The Results of the Death of the Messiah
- MBS134 How the New Testament Quotes the Old Testament
Introduction of the King
- MBS031 Highlights of the Birth and Early Life of Jesus
- MBS032 The Baptism and Temptations of Jesus
- MBS127 The Birth and Early Life of the Messiah
- MBS183 The Healing of the Man at the Pool of Bethesada: John
Authentication of the King
- MBS016 Nicodemus, A Rabbi’s Quest
- MBS036 The Three Sabbath Controversies Between Jesus and the Pharisees
- MBS094 The Sermon on the Mount
- MBS185 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: John 4:1–42
Controversy over the King
Training of the Twelve
Opposition to the King
Official Presentation of the King
Preparation for the Death of the King
- MBS028 The Olivet Discourse
- MBS048 Mammon of Unrighteousness
- MBS060 The Upper Room Discourse
- MBS061 The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus
- MBS069 The Agony of Gethsemane
Rejection of the King
- MBS009 The Trial of the Messiah
- MBS070 The Death and Burial of the Messiah
- MBS099 The Results of the Death of the Messiah
Resurrection and Ascension of the King
Messiah, The
- MBS011 The Suffering Messiah of Isaiah 53
- MBS012 The Messiah of the Old Testament
- MBS052 Names and Titles of the Messiah
- MBS058 The Offices of the Messiah
- MBS063 The Deity of the Messiah
- MBS075 The Resurrection of the Messiah
- MBS076 The Ascension of the Messiah
- MBS078 The Present Work of the Messiah
- MBS099 The Results of the Death of the Messiah
- MBS133 The Lordship of the Messiah
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology (Recommended Study Order)
Bibliology (The Doctrine of the Scriptures)
- MBS021 The Eight Covenants of the Bible
- MBS030 The Nature of the Bible
- MBS034 The Bible and Divine Revelation
- MBS037 The Inspiration of the Scriptures
- MBS041 The Dispensations of God
Theology Proper (The Doctrine of God)
- MBS022 The Shechinah Glory in History and Prophecy
- MBS047 The Names of God
- MBS050 The Trinity
- MBS051 God the Father
- MBS085 The Image of God in Man
- MBS098 The Grace of God
Christology (The Doctrine of the Son)
- MBS011 The Suffering Messiah of Isaiah 53
- MBS012 The Messiah of the Old Testament
- MBS013 What the New Testament Says About Jesus
- MBS014 Why Did the Messiah Have to Die?
- MBS025 Jesus’ Right to David’s Throne
- MBS028 The Olivet Discourse
- MBS032 The Baptism and Temptations of Jesus
- MBS035 The Three Messianic Miracles
- MBS036 The Three Sabbath Controversies Between Jesus and the Pharisees
- MBS044 The Transfiguration of Jesus
- MBS052 The Names and Titles of the Messiah
- MBS054 The Incarnation
- MBS056 The Triumphal Entry
- MBS058 The Offices of the Messiah
- MBS060 The Upper Room discourses
- MBS063 The Deity of the Messiah
- MBS065 The Servant of Jehovah
- MBS067 The Seventy Sevens of Daniel
- MBS070 The Death and Burial of the Messiah
- MBS075 The Resurrection of the Messiah
- MBS078 The Present Work of the Messiah
- MBS094 The Sermon on the Mount
- MBS127 The Birth and Early Life of the Messiah
- MBS133 The Lordship of the Messiah
Pneumatology (The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit)
- MBS066 The Ministries of the Holy Spirit
- MBS068 The Sins Against the Holy Spirit
- MBS071 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Angelology (The Doctrine of Elect Angels)
Satanology (The Doctrine of Satan)
- MBS001 The Six Abodes of Satan
- MBS077 Satanology: The Doctrine of Satan
- MBS156 The Fall of Satan According to Ezekiel 28:11–19
Demonology (The Doctrine of Fallen Angels)
Anthropology (The Doctrine of Man)
- MBS085 The Image of God in Man
- MBS086 The Composition of Man
- MBS088 The Fall of Man
- MBS091 The Biblical View of Death
- MBS093 The Glorification of Man
- MBS187 The Creation of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:4–25
- MBS188 The Fall of Man: Genesis 3:1–24
Hamartiology (The Doctrine of Sin)
- MBS068 The Sins Against the Holy Spirit
- MBS095 What the Bible Teaches Concerning Sin
- MBS099 The Results of the Death of the Messiah
- MBS100 The Nature and Results of the Atonement
Soteriology (The Doctrine of Salvation)
- MBS102 Eternal Security
- MBS103 The Ten Facets of Our Salvation
- MBS105 Justification and Sanctification
- MBS110 Thirty-three Things: A Study of Positional Truth
- MBS111 The Conditions of Salvation
Israelology (The Doctrine of Israel)
- MBS002 The Jews and the Tribulation
- MBS003 The Basis of the Second Coming of the Messiah
- MBS004 The Campaign of Armageddon
- MBS005 How to Destroy the Jews
- MBS006 The Law of Moses and the Law of the Messiah
- MBS007 Jews, Gentiles, and Christians
- MBS015 The Wife of Jehovah and the Bride of Messiah
- MBS018 Israel in the Messianic Kingdom
- MBS026 Zionism: What It Is and What It Is Not
- MBS027 Why Is God Saving Gentiles Today?
- MBS040 The Parables of the Kingdom
- MBS062 The Feasts of Israel
- MBS080 The Theology of Israel: A Study of Romans 9–11
- MBS087 The Book of Romans and the Jews
- MBS113 The Jewish Wedding System and the Bride of the Messiah
- MBS114 The Feast of Pesach (Passover)
- MBS115 The Feast of Hag Hamatzot (Unleavened Bread)
- MBS116 The Feast of Hag Habikkurim (First Fruits)
- MBS117 The Feast of Shavuot (Weeks/Pentecost)
- MBS118 The Feast of Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets)
- MBS119 Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement)
- MBS120 The Feast of Succoth (Tabernacles)
- MBS122 The Feast of Channukah (Lights/Dedication)
- MBS134 How the New Testament Quotes the Old Testament
- MBS155 Israel, the Unfaithful Wife: Ezekiel 16
- MBS157 The Valley of the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37:1–14
- MBS158 The Sign of the Two Sticks: Ezekiel 37:15–28
- MBS176 The Sabbath
- MBS177 The Feast of Purim (Lots/Esther)
- MBS178 The New Moon Festival
- MBS179 The Church and the Jews
- MBS189 The Modern State of Israel in Bible Prophecy
- MBS191 The Remnant of Israel: Past, Present, and Future
Ecclesiology (The Doctrine of the Church)
- MBS015 The Wife of Jehovah and the Bride of Messiah
- MBS097 The Universal Church
- MBS106 The Local Church
- MBS108 The Lord’s Supper
- MBS109 The Ordinance of Baptism
- MBS112 The Biblical Principles of Giving
- MBS179 The Church and the Jews
Personal Eschatology (The Doctrine of the Future of the Soul)
- MBS101 Immortality
- MBS104 The Intermediate State Between Death and Resurrection
- MBS107 The Place of the Dead
Eschatology (The Doctrine of the Last Days)
- MBS004 The Campaign of Armageddon
- MBS008 The Arab States in Prophecy
- MBS010 The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
- MBS017 The Messianic Kingdom
- MBS023 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12
- MBS038 The Sequence of Pretribulational Events
- MBS039 The Rapture of the Church
- MBS042 The 75-Day Interval
- MBS045 After the Kingdom
- MBS046 The Eternal Order
Books of the Bible
Old Testament Book Studies
- MBS088 The Fall of Man
- MBS186 The Seven Days of Creation: Genesis 1:1–2:3
- MBS187 The Creation of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:4–25
- MBS188 The Fall of Man: Genesis 3:1–24
- MBS062 The Feasts of Israel
- MBS132 Blessings and Cursings: The Outworking of the Mosaic Covenant in Leviticus 26
- MBS180 The Levitical Offerings and the Levitical Sacrifices
- MBS181 The Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16
- MBS011 The Suffering Messiah of Isaiah 53
- MBS057 The Call of Isaiah
- MBS059 The Reign of Immanuel
- MBS064 The Little Apocalypse of Isaiah
- MBS065 The Servant of Jehovah
- MBS123 The Call of Jeremiah
- MBS124 The Ten Symbolic Actions of Jeremiah the Prophet
- MBS125 The Book of Consolation: Jeremiah 30–33
- MBS152 The Call of Ezekiel: Ezekiel 1:1–3:21
- MBS153 The Symbolic Actions of Ezekiel the Prophet: Ezekiel 4:1–5:17
- MBS154 The Departure & Return of the Shechinah Glory According to Ezekiel the Prophet
- MBS155 Israel, the Unfaithful Wife: Ezekiel 16
- MBS156 The Fall of Satan According to Ezekiel 28:11–19
- MBS157 The Valley of the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37:1–14
- MBS158 The Sign of the Two Sticks: Ezekiel 37:15–28
- MBS081 The Book of Obadiah
Zechariah - MBS090 The True Shepherd of Zechariah: A Study of Zechariah 11:1–17
- MBS092 The Little Apocalypse of Zechariah
New Testament Book Studies
- MBS016 Nicodemus, A Rabbi’s Quest
- MBS060 The Upper Room Discourse
- MBS061 The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus
- MBS185 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: John 4:1–42
- MBS183 The Healing of the Man at the Pool of Bethesada: John 5
- MBS159 The Introduction to the Book of Acts 1:1–26
- MBS160 The Day of Pentecost and the Birth of the Church: Acts 2:1–47
- MBS161 The Witness of Peter and John and the Second Sermon of Peter: Acts 3:1–4:31
- MBS162 The Story of Ananias and Sapphira: Acts 4:32–5:11
- MBS163 The Second Persecution of the Church: Acts 5:12–42
- MBS164 The Story of Stephen: Acts 6:1–8:4
- MBS165 The Story of Philip: Acts 8:5–40
- MBS166 The Salvation of Saul, a Man of Tarsus: Acts 9:1–31
- MBS167 The Story of Cornelius: Acts 9:32–11:18
- MBS168 The Fourth Persecution of the Church of Jerusalem: Acts 12:1–25
- MBS169 The First Missionary Journey of Paul: Acts 13:1–14:28
- MBS170 The Jerusalem Council: Acts:15:1–35
- MBS171 The Second Missionary of Paul: Acts 15:36–18:22
- MBS172 The Third Missionary Journey of Paul: Acts 18:23–20:38
- MBS173 Paul’s Imprisonment in Jerusalem: Acts 21:1–23:35
- MBS174 Paul’s Imprisonment in Caesarea: Acts 24:1–26:32
- MBS175 Paul’s Journey to Rome: Acts 27:1–28:31
- MBS190 The Church of Antioch: Acts 11:19–30
I and II Peter
50 Free Studies
Studies About The Bible
- MBS030 The Nature of the Bible
- MBS034 The Bible and Divine Revelation
- MBS037 The Inspiration of the Scriptures
- MBS021 The Eight Covenants of the Bible
- MBS041 The Dispensations of God
Studies About God
Studies About The Messiah
- MBS063 The Deity of The Messiah
- MBS054 The Incarnation
- MBS075 The Resurrection of the Messiah
- MBS076 The Ascension of the Messiah
- MBS014 Why Did the Messiah Have to Die?
- MBS099 The Results of the Death of Messiah
- MBS006 The Law of Moses and the Law of Messiah
- MBS078 The Present Work of the Messiah
- MBS133 The Lordship of the Messiah
Studies About The Holy Spirit
Studies About Angels and Demons
- MBS073 Angelology: The Doctrine of Elect Angels
- MBS077 Satanology: The Doctrine of Satan
- MBS082 Demonology: The Doctrine of Fallen Angels
Studies About Sin
- MBS187 The Creation of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:4-25
- MBS088 The Fall of Man
- MBS095 What The Bible Teaches Concerning Sin
Studies About Salvation
- MBS098 The Grace of God
- MBS111 The Condition of Salvation
- MBS103 The Ten Facets of Our Salvation
- MBS102 Eternal Security
- MBS105 Justification and Sanctification
- MBS110 Thirty-Three Things: A Study of Positional Truth
Studies About The Church
- MBS113 Jewish Wedding System and The Bride of Messiah
- MBS097 The Universal Church
- MBS106 The Local Church
- MBS108 The Lord's Supper
- MBS109 The Ordinance of Baptism
- MBS112 The Biblical Principles of Giving
Studies About Prayer
- MBS144 The Principles of Prayer
- MBS145 The Three Types of Prayer
- MBS148 The Conditions of Prayer
- MBS149 The Components and Content of Prayer
Studies About Jews and Gentiles
- MBS179 The Church and the Jews
- MBS191 The Remnant of Israel: Past, Present, and Future
- MBS189 The Modern State of Israel in Bible Prophecy
- MBS007 Jews, Gentiles, and Christians
- MBS027 Why is God Saving Gentiles Today?
Studies About The Afterlife
- MBS101 Immortality
- MBS104 Intermediate State Between Death & Resurrection
- MBS107 The Place of the Dead
Studies About End Times
Admonition To Number Our Days
These Messianic Bible Studies by Dr Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum are a collection of 190 Manuscripts for your personal study or sermon preparation.
MBS184 Psalm 90: An Exposition
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